Great outcomes come from strong decisions.
Substance-Free Athletics (SFA) brings the latest scientific evidence about substances and sports to high school athletes and the coaches and parents that support them. This information along with a quick look at local school district policy creates a common understanding that makes conversations and decision-making around underage alcohol and drug use more productive and empowered.
Substance-free Athletics Program Overview
Through a presentation-based format, drug education and policy clarifications are discussed with coaches, athletes, and parents. From there, conversations about drugs and alcohol can become more productive and choosing not to use has a rational and potentially shared basis.
SFA Program Details
Our Goal is to…
Reduce under-aged substance use through common understanding.
By focusing on…
High school athletics and the athlete.
We recognize the…
3 major stakeholders in athletics – coaches, athletes, parents - and the important roles each play.
We breakthrough the noise…
By specifically speaking to athletes. Non-athletes learn a lot from SFA curriculum, but we want athletes to understand, in a very targeted way, what alcohol, marijuana and nicotine can do to their game. This biology-based information that clearly ascribes why choosing not to use has value, anchors resolve for many athletes. While a focus on local resources talked about openly normalizes seeking help for all struggles including substance use concerns.
And finally, we cover the following content….
In addition to bringing 21st century, science-based information about marijuana, alcohol and nicotine and its effect on performance to the high school athlete, district policy, often not well-known, is covered briefly along with “social norming” empowerment.
No program is 100% successful in eliminating under-aged substance use, but SFA empowers athletes to i) take ownership of this topic, ii) support each other and iii) think about what they want - it’s a powerful starting point headed in the right direction.
SFA Program Goals
For Athletes
To increase the number of athletes that choose not to use by empowering them with information - “just say no” needs “why.” In choosing not to use, kids get: optimal physical and mental health, maximum athletic performance, to be part of team performing at its highest level possible, real team bonding and connection.
Substance use diminishes all of these.
For Coaches
To leverage a coach’s unique influence in the lives of student athletes; enable coaches to lead and administer team and district policy consistently; help coaches create a culture of no-use; reduce the amount of time and energy a coach wastes on drug and alcohol discussions; make coaching more impactful and enjoyable knowing the health of their athletes is intact; reduce stress around liability and potentially negative outcomes from using athletes. Maximize the relationships athletes can have with their coaches.
For Parents
To help parents help their kids navigate away from alcohol & drugs in high school; clarify ways parents can support coaches and team policies in this mission and see their kids thrive and excel both generally and in athletics.
What Athletes are saying about SFA
“Everyone in high school should hear this.”
“Yes, my opinion on the use of alcohol, marijuana and nicotine has changed - I didn’t know it was so bad; I won’t feel pressure, I’ll think twice.”
What Parents & Coaches are saying about SFA
“It has opened my eyes to the dangers and understanding of drugs.”
“SFA was a beneficial use of my time”
“This program has helped me feel more supported in dealing with drugs and alcohol on my team.”
“We didn’t realize district policy was so comprehensive.”