SFA Resources
All materials on this site may be used or requested for free.
SFA staff is also available, however, to tailor materials to your specific school or program, to consult on program implementation and to answer any questions.
Contact us
SFA Explained
SFA has been invited to present at Stanford University’s Teaching Cannabis Awareness & Prevention Conference several times (2021, 2022, 2023). This video gives an overview of the program.
Online Presentations
Zoom meetings facilitated by SFA staff can be scheduled with each stakeholder group for a nominal fee.
In-Person Presentations
For robust information transfer, Q&A and next steps planning, SFA staff will travel to your location to conduct stakeholder presentations in-person. The athletic organization pre-schedules and promotes the event(s). To optimize time, all stakeholder meetings can take place in one afternoon/evening or over a couple of days. Travel expenses are required.
Train the Trainer
If a parent, coach, administrator or wellness professional in the school or district or coalition is interested in facilitating the SFA program, we offer training for a nominal fee, which includes ongoing support following that training and as the facilitator(s) delivers SFA, again for a small fee.
Licensing Agreement
Please fill out and submit this royalty-free License Agreement form so we know who is using Substance-Free Athletics and Protect Your Game materials. It only needs to be filled out once and covers all downloadable materials on this website. Please contact/email us if you have questions or need logo files.
Substance-Science Overview
The SFA message contains a substance-science core focused on what alcohol, marijuana and nicotine do specifically to the athlete and athletic performance. We have moved away from any kind of moral conversation - are alcohol and drugs right or wrong, but want athletes to understand the bio-mechanics of these substances, so they have knowledge that can travel when them throughout high school and beyond. This information is common to SFA presentations done anywhere and in any context.
Policy Overview
We recommend including on overview of state, district and/or school policy around athletics and substance use as part of the SFA presentations. We can help build these presentation slides for a fee or it can be done by district or coalition personnel.
Stakeholder Presentations
Substance-Free Athletic’s substance-science core along with an overview of the local school/district policy shared with all three stakeholders acts as the program foundation and is one way SFA creates common understanding. SFA goes on to share:
The Protect Your Game Challenge with ATHLETES,
A quick conversations about coaching alcohol and drugs with COACHES - to frame this topic in a more accessible way, and offer easy tips for this unique and influential group to use right away, and
21st Prevention Basics with PARENTS - much has changed today and most parents are completely unaware.
These segments tailored specifically to each stakeholder audience are intended to empower each group to take ownership of this topic, to act and react in ways that are more effective, and to feel more intentional or deliberate.
For Coaches
Presentation (.ppt)
SFA - Introduction, Policy Section sample & abbreviated overview of Substances Section (they can see the full content with their teams) +
A Conversation with COACHES
For Athletes
Presentation (.ppt)
SFA - Introduction, Policy Section sample & Substance Science Section + Protect Your Game Challenge Conversation with ATHLETES
For Parents
Presentation (.ppt)
SFA - Introduction, Policy Section sample & full Substance Science Section +
21st Century Alcohol & Drug Basics for PARENTS
For all presentations, please complete SFA’s royalty-free License Agreement form and contact us for Power Point files with embedded videos.
Videos used in SFA Presentations:
Marijuana is Fat Soluble Video from SFA - explains this interesting bio-mechanic (3:25)
Marijuana Video from SAMHSA shown in the SFA substance presentations (1:00)
Addiction Video from Wait21 shown in the SFA substance presentations (3:40)
Alternate Addiction Video option (4:01)
SFA Collateral - Flyers, Posters, Cards & Swag
Sports Environment Series
Poster - Field
Poster - Basketball Court
Poster - Track/Pool
Poster - Baseball/Softball
2 & 4 Cards per 8x11 page
3x5 Cards - 4 up - front
Series A Flyer 2up - front & back
Series A Flyer 2up w/RRW - F&B
Licensing Agreement - Please fill out and submit this royalty-free License Agreement form so we know who is using Substance-Free Athletics and Protect Your Game materials.
All posters are 2’x3’ vertical orientation. Flyers are 8x11 with orientation noted.
Each item in the Series A materials has a version with a Red Ribbon Week (RRW) logo on it.
SFA gives permission to all partners and legitimate users of its content to add their logo to these files and print with their preferred vendors as needed. If higher resolution files are needed, contact us. Also, contact SFA if printing services are needed; we can produce materials for a fee.
Stakeholder Flyers
Coaches Flyer
Coaches Facilitation Guide
Parent Flyer 1
Parent Flyer 2
Please contact/email us if you have questions or need logo files.
Stickers & Swag
1” Black Vinyl Stickers
Plastic Bracelets - make your own or use our vendor
Substance Flyers
All Substances (8x11)
Alcohol (5x7)
Marijuana (5x7)
Nicotine (5x7)
Other Meeting Handouts
Materials for Parents
Materials for Athletes
Materials for ALL (Athletes, Coaches & Parents)
Licensing Agreement - Please fill out and submit this royalty-free License Agreement form so we know who is using Substance-Free Athletics and Protect Your Game materials. It only needs to be filled out once and covers all downloadable materials on this website.
Please contact/email us if you have questions or need logo files.
SFA places great importance on evaluating the effectiveness of its program and where improvements can be made. Currently SFA uses a pre and post survey with each stakeholder group to evaluate changes in knowledge and understanding. QR codes and links to the surveys are inside all Stakeholder Power Points. Paper versions can be downloaded below. In general we find:
Athletes – experience the greatest gains in understanding the effects of substances. Not surprisingly, most athletes believe policy is against their use of alcohol and other drugs.
Parents – experience the greatest gains in understanding policy. Parents have a general sense that alcohol and other drugs are not great for their teen athletes.
Coaches – experience gains in both substance effects and policy; they have a reasonable notion about both, but their detailed understanding of each does increase statistically.